1 May, 2020

How to Spend Your Google Ad Credits Wisely

Google Ad Credit

Google has announced that it will provide more than $300 million worth of ad credits. These credits are intended for small and medium-sized businesses. If you’re one of the lucky recipients, you’ll want to ensure that those free ads don’t go to waste. 

If you’re qualified for free Google ad credits, here are some tips on where to spend them.

1.   Launch a remarketing campaign

There are times when visitors will land on your website but leave without making any purchase. Fortunately, you can still make them change their mind through a remarketing campaign. It’s an excellent strategy for online shops.

What’s a remarketing campaign?

You show the ads to people who previously visited your site. You can also instruct Google to display the ads for a specific product or service they spent time looking at.

There’s a good reason why you’re showing the ads again. This time around, you may finally convince them to buy your products or services. 

Remarketing campaigns can also target previous customers or focus on the following:

  •       Former visitors who went to a particular product page on your website.
  •       People who have placed orders or products in the shopping cart, but decided not to complete the purchase.

While these people didn’t buy anything the first time, their sales conversion probability is higher than any target group.

2.   Consider display advertising

This strategy is useful for:

  •       Building brand awareness
  •       Collecting impressions
  •       Attracting visitors quickly

Since display ads are visual, you can craft your graphics or choose one on the Google Ads platform.

3.   Look for or test a new target market

If you’re not gaining enough conversions, perhaps you’re targeting the wrong target market. You may want to use your Google ad credits to target new audiences who are likely to buy your products or services.

Also, the longer you operate your website, the better insight you’ll have about:

  •       Who are your likely target market
  •       What problems they are facing

Furthermore, testing your ads on several separate groups will help you pinpoint which of them needs the priority.

4.   Test your new products or services

You may have some new or specific product or service you’d like to test in the market. With the free ads, promote it to your target audience and see how it will perform. The ads will enable you to assess if there’s a possible demand for the product.  If there is, it can also help you determine how much inventory you need to have.

5.     Run a local SEO campaign

You’d want an SEO campaign that will target your whole target market. However, you can also target specific customers in a region or city.  You see, people in a local community will likely support a local business. Therefore, make sure to mention in the ads the location of your business. It will encourage locals to help your company.

The extra sales may not be significant. However, their response to the local ads can provide a relevant sample of your customers’ demographics. That kind of information will help you optimise your ads and product descriptions. As your popularity grows, so will your sales.

Take Away

During these uncertain times, Google is handing out free ads to help your business cope with the COVID-19 situation. Google is fully aware of how effective their ads are. As such, you should not underestimate the credit they offer. Since it’s also free, why not take advantage of the credits to test new audiences or products?  Furthermore, the ads will provide a much-needed boost to your website traffic.

If you’re not sure how to proceed with the free Google Ads, you can contact us here at Springhill Marketing. We can assist you in identifying the areas where your free ads will make the most impact.  

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