3 May, 2021

How to Personalise Your Online Marketing Strategy

online marketing strategy

Personalisation, or sending individualised messages to customers, should now be a part of your online marketing strategy. However, it is much more than addressing your customers by name. You have to stand out and offer a distinctive online or mobile experience for every customer.

What is personalisation?

It’s a marketing strategy for increasing your brand’s relevance and engagement with your leads and customers. It’s a process that involves obtaining information about your buyers’:

  • Demographics or location
  • Motivation for purchasing your products or services

These details are critical for businesses that want to drive up their sales and trust in their brand.

You can provide personalised marketing through various communication methods, such as:

  • Emails
  • Discount offers
  • Mobile application content
  • Paid ads and sponsored posts
  • Product or service recommendations
  • Sales announcements
  • website

 You could also personalise your services in business transactions, such as invoices or shipping notifications. 

The downside of personalisation

Not all customers are receptive to receiving personalised marketing messages. Many consider it as creepy and bothered by the idea that someone is tracking their online activities. It doesn’t sit well with them, especially if it will turn to a negative experience. For instance, people who bought an item a week ago won’t appreciate receiving ads about the same thing. 

Creating a personalised digital marketing strategy

Businesses need to develop a strategy that can present different content for returning customers. If possible, offer items that people will find useful or at least desirable. Here are five tips on how to ensure that your personalised marketing goes well.

1. Obtain as much customer data as possible 

Collecting enough customer data can ensure that your content and ads are personalised and geared to your target market. 

The buyer persona should represent an accurate picture of your target audience. It’s also essential that the collected data includes customers’ habits, behaviours, and the things they want from your brand. For example, you can use the data to create compelling content that specifically targets your Facebook audience. 

Personalisation is more than using your customers’ names. The ads you create must match their needs. Only then can people trust your brand. 

Consider sending questionnaires to obtain relevant attributes from your customers. However, It’s not a good idea to ask too many questions or too few. It’s also better to ask the questions periodically instead of making them fill up a long-form. For example, not many would have the patience to answer a 20-question survey. 

Furthermore, it’s essential to let your customers have control over their data. It can save you time and effort if they want to change their phone number or update the delivery address. Finally, you need to assure your customers that their data is not being shared or sold to third parties. 

Aside from questionnaires, personal information can be exchanged for downloadable content. Customers are also talking online. You can check the various online forums to understand what makes your leads and customers tick.  

2. Build your customer personas 

After collecting the necessary data, you can create multiple buyer personas based on their:

  • Age
  • Income
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Pains
  • Shopping habits and its frequency
  • Response to incentives

Start creating those personas using your customers’ demographics. You should also understand their needs and challenges and list them down. It will serve as a roadmap for meeting the requirements of every persona you have. It is also useful for your content creation and overall online marketing strategy. You can customise the message to both current and potential customers and ultimately lead them into your sales funnel.

3. Plan your content strategy 

Your prospects are unlikely to view or share your content if it doesn’t match their interest or needs. Therefore, make sure to identify and write content that will interest every persona. You can create a three-part sales funnel composed of: 

a. Top Funnel

Goal – Convince people to go to your website.

How – Provide compelling and engaging content in the form blogs, ebooks or even webinars. 

You can promote your content on Google using SEO and ads or social media posts.

b. Middle Funnel

Goal – Now that they know what you can offer, you should nurture these leads.

How – Provide your leads with customised content, such as buying guides. 

c. Bottom Funnel

Goal – Convince them to choose your products or services.

How – Offer promotions, such as demos, product offers or free trials. 

When creating a sales funnel, make sure that the content will convince your leads to buy the product or service.  

4. Create content for your customer personas

Your content collection can help you to personalise your online marketing strategy. For example, emails that provide relevant details can help drive your revenue by 18 times compared to general email blasts.


You can increase your sales by providing your leads and customers with a personalised experience. It includes customising your website or mobile app that will suit the user’s behaviour. This also means creating content applicable to different buyer personas. With that level of personalisation, your marketing strategy will yield the desired sales conversation rates.

Do you need help personalising your marketing strategy? Contact us at Springhill Marketing, and we’ll provide you with the solutions you need.

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